الأحد، 28 مارس 2010

[ GAZA ] I do not ask for pity



I do not ask for pity


Just think for awhile




Hey my friend


I'm just a kid like you




Once I had home …but it's now taken





Once I had a brother but he is now Martyr






And my mother … you don't know my mother







Every mother in my country is my mother






Once I had the whole earth.. But now?




أبحث عن لقمة كي أعيش ..


I look for a morsel to survive





I do not ask for pity


Just think for awhile




My father there.. Like my dream … like my heartcaptive





So would you help me??

Or I'm just alone conversing with conscience??







Hey..  Zionist... This is a page of your life... You are the teacher... And we witness






That your pupils are faithful to your teachings





And the pupil could beat his teacher...





But no matter how you try to humiliate me..





And whatever you could do to me





Just look and check ..





Does my humiliation end the case???

You should know

I am rejecting humiliation.. Rejecting your existence





Are you delighted in watching me???





Oh man, where did you get this hatred ??

What religion do you have faith in???





Oh, I forgot






Would people like you have religion like others???

Do not laugh .. I heard you are smart
Do you know who I am???

I `m your nightmare that would not allay..

I'm  from Palestine ..






We won't forget





Your tears





Your groans






Your Sorrows





Your Martyrs





Swear we won't forget

The story of a house that the owner left and didn't come back






Cactus that did not end





A witness to the crime





A tree longing nostalgic




And my son's name is a memory on the wall of my house





A story of roots and origins ..




Story of a people




Or disgrace of a nation

Her eyes said








Come on

I'll tell you about it





About its Olives





And its roots





About its Cactus




About its almonds





About its children




Its old men







And its women





The way of its salvation





Is the faith of its sons




Oh kid, your eyes are terrorists

drawing a bed over the loaf

dreaming of a Cup of water

Not poisoned by bleeding

And a seat in the class

did not get bombing, ,or pavement headache

your looks are terrorists

Staring at the invaders: Get out of our iris

of our time to the end of time

we will wash the soil of your steps

Clean up the morning of your look

And sow the plains with Anemone

your tears are terrorists

falling down over your martyr brother's face





Drawing your captive father
The homeless bosom of your mother

Defying Orphan hood, bursting
bringing color to purple
warmth to orange
And air to chrysanthemum
Preparing to be an orphan in the orphan time
your tears kid are terrorists






Your lips are terrorists

Repeating every while songs of the earth

Kissing the face of the sky

Saying prayers before sleep

And when they scream

Of a shot stole the word of God from your lungs

Here is when peace comes







Your hands are terrorists

Carrying great alienation on your tiny back

Groans of houses and captive village

And raise to the sky what the prophets said

And enlightening wisdom

carrying a house Amid the rubble

in an Immigrant bag






Your bags are terrorist

In which you blockade time

And pick up what place say to an other

We have sand on imagination shore

And a plain in which lie gardens of compassion

A bag for water and Thyme

And a bag changed titles of lessons to titles of stone

One on your back

And the other is growing on your chest

If you get delighted, a bird comes on your head to play

To bite your dream

To cut your thoughts

And you become under the rubble of humiliation

Your lips kid are terrorists






And your legs are terrorist

Chasing life in fission of death

In Clusters of bombs

In Tremors of the ears

Looking for a land with out fire








Your parent's kid is terrorists

Hugged of missing each other

Then you were flower

And you become ember

Oh kid, your eyes are terrorist








Eyes knew crying early

If you see glow in their eyes

Fiery volcano, or Neigh, you would know them

Kids hugging the sun

And it doesn't burn them

Singing full throats

A million no … million no

Waiting for the knight

Mom, where is my dad

He didn't come back.






Waiting for who dare to release tying.





Dad, why are you silent? Come with us.





Angel and martyr, pardon me these are names of those innocents




Our weapon is hard stone





Abdallah Omar El-Haddad
       Systems Developer
Head of Alumni Unit
University College of Applied Sciences
Mobile            :   +972 599 706220
Phone (work ):   +972 8 2868999   Ext: 233
Phone (home):   +972 8 2836296
Alternate e-mail: aohaddad@ucas.edu.ps

SFI000123 [Gaza] Group
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